Kindness is a passport that opens doors…it softens hearts and molds relationships that can last a lifetime. Joseph B. Writhlin

Margaret Norvell served as the official light keeper for two lighthouses in Louisiana: Port Pontchartrain Lighthouse, 1896-1924, New Canal Lighthouse, 1924-1932.She served as a light keeper for 41 years. The United States Coast Cutter Margaret Norvell is named in her honor.

Margaret Norvell became the official light keeper of the Port Pontchartrain Lighthouse in Louisiana in 1896. During one storm, she threw a rope for the crews of both a yacht and a schooner. She provided them with food and shelter for several days. After every hurricane, her lighthouse was a refuge for fishermen and others who lost their homes. In 1903 when the lighthouse was the only building standing, over 200 people found shelter in her home. After each storm she started the relief funds and helped people get back on their feet.

The current New Canal Lighthouse is a replica that was built after severe damage from Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005.


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