Dreams are the foundation of America – Lupita Nyong’o

Built in 1791, Portland Lighthouse was the first lighthouse completed under President George Washington. His Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, personally administered lighthouses.

Peace has been under assault in the past few years. Inflation, supply lines issues, airline travel disruptions and Covid continue to war against our peace of mind. Add to that the war in Ukraine. It is a sad reminder of how fragile peace is and how one person’s lust for power can shatter it.

These are indeed turbulent times. Each day seems to bring new challenges. 

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, let us pause to remember all the wonderful things still within our grasp. Our troubles are often reminders of things we have taken for granted.

We struggle with inflation, supply issues and airline disruptions because we took for granted the ease in which we normally purchase items and travel. Our soldiers ushered in 70 years of peace in Europe. That’s an incredible thing. 

If we look closer at American History we will see the past struggles that we’ve overcome. Perhaps the greatest legacy of America is hope.




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